Health and safety

Consistent standards worldwide
We are a global company – maintaining consistent health and safety standards is a 24-hour priority for us. The health and safety of all employees and those affected by, or involved with our work, is a core part of our ethical business approach and is embedded in all our decision-making processes.
There are four core values at the heart of all our initiatives. These are:
- To value people who put safety at the centre of what they do
- To look after our employees
- To build safety into our work
- To raise and improve upon health and safety standards globally
Our employees work accross different countries, each with its own local safety legislation. Safety standards can vary widely. Providing consistent safety standards across all our locations is a challenge that we meet through a global health and safety framework.
This framework is built around a set of baselines. In addition to local legislation, these provide a minimum standard of good health and safety practice for working in the office and on site, and are a requirement of all offices worldwide.
Further health and safety guidance and initiatives are also in place, to cover any risks associated with specific work undertaken by individuals.
This means all employees are protected by a three-tired safety system:
- by the baselines of good practice
- by local health and safety legislation
- by task-specific rules that cover any risks associated with the work you are doing
We have a proactive organisational culture, founded on the robust risk management of health and safety issues. By embedding internal compliance deep within the business, we ensure well placed to tackle health and safety challenges around the world.
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